
Thursday, January 23, 2014

blue lightbulb

The chameleon's light blew out so I could take pictures with it. This incident was both a blessing and a curse. Oh well :) It made for some really interesting pictures. I like them.

I really like this one.

Different Ideas.

Friday, January 17, 2014

some selfies

I took some selfies because I was bored and I can do what I want. So. Enjoy and please try not to be blinded by my weird face ;-;

-me ❀◕ ‿ ◕❀

Saturday, January 11, 2014

my mom with some utah lake

Just another Kacie adventure.

My mother is the most beautiful woman on this entire planet. I don't think she sees herself like that, but I do.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

new hoodie and some snow

I recently put a sheet in my garage and I love it. Some expierimental pictures for you :) 

How longboarders feel about the snow.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

horse head and sunsets

I got bored so I took pictures. I found the horse head. I'm going to post a hilarious video with me wearing it later. No worries.
The infamous horse head strikes again.

I got new shoes and they're everything I dreamed of.

Utah has the best skies.

Friday, January 3, 2014

a teenager's opinion on love

I took this in Boston lol

All my life I've been taught that in order to be able to function, a girl has to find her "Prince Charming". What happend to the girls that told the boy to suck it and just got on with their life? Instead, we're taught at a very young age that we have to find our "true love" in order to be happy.

That isn't so. Love sucks. Love hurts. For 16 months of my life, I spent it with ONE guy. I thought it was love. I just so desperately wanted to have a prince that I failed to see any of the problems occuring because of him. I honestly thought that he was The One that they always talk about in movies.

I couldn't have been more wrong. Not only did he trigger my cutting addiction again, but a close friend told me that he was cheating on me practically the entire time. Thanks for that, pal. When I heard this it got me thinking, what is love? It surely wasn't what he felt towards me if he allowed himself to do something so continuously horrendous.

I came to the conclusion that love is this poem:

in my opinion,
the best thing you can do is
find a person
who loves you for exactly who you are.
good mood,
or bad mood...
or pretty...
handsome, what have you.
the right person is still going to think
that the sun shines out of your a--.
that's the kind of person
that's worth sticking with."

The kind of "love" that this boy felt towards me was lust. He didn't appreciate me for me. He based his feelings off of attraction towards me and called it that pathetic word called "Love." I cannot repeat this enough. Love isn't lust and lust isn't love!!!!!! Teens (and adults too sometimes) don't really know what that word means anymore.

Dear 13 year old,
Your boyfriend of two days doesn't love you.
And you don't love him.
I'm not sorry.

Another thing, why do people think it's okay to cheat? I've been exposed to so much cheating my entire life and have caught several people doing so. Ok, I know that him and I weren't married, but if he was interested in other girls, why didn't he just man-up and say something instead of dragging me on like some puppet? I feel so stupid for even considering that we were going to last.

Girls are led to believe that they can't be happy without a man. Are you kidding me? Ever since this breakup I had, I have realized how free I've felt. I'm legitimately happy for the first time in a year and a half. And sure, it's a little difficult, due to the major depression thing, but I know the difference between the "happiness" I felt with him and how I feel now..

So, to said boy, I am happier than I ever was with you. Thanks for the worst 15ish months of my life :)

Rant over.
