
Friday, September 20, 2013

photoshoot #1

So this is Jen. :) She has a blog at She is one of my closest friends and she is absolutely beautiful and just doesn't see it. We went to Utah lake and got totally eaten by bugs, called animal control, and took endless pictures of horses. It was pretty great, no big deal. Anyways, enjoy your day, because you probably deserve it, unless you're mean... in that case, go away. 

Love this one 

Love this one below :)

She wanted hair-flippy pics. So that's like all we did.


let's talk photography...

I'm definitely an amateur photographer. I'm learning :) But one day, I'll get there. Here's some of my most recent photos that I took at the end of my street at this abandoned house. It was pretty creepy (none of the doors had door knobs...) but it come out with some pretty cool pictures :)

This one below is my favorite one.

So there you have it :) If you have any tips, let me know!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

first post/ artwork that i do

So here's the preview. A lot of my art is in my sketch book and it personally hurts when I have to rip them out... long story short: I won't. I apologize ahead of time if you can see the corner of the table/chair that I set my sketchbook on when I show you my art. :) Alright, the not-so-amazing part you've been waiting for.. *drum roll* TADA MY ART

This one was a "happy accident." I spilled some paint and just doodled around. Turned out cooler than I thought it would. Or maybe it's super lame. Not sure which one yet.

Escape the Darkness.

Shows my two styles. This was my second watercolor painting... ever.

A lot of people totally insta-judge this piece, but it's called "Shut Up and Listen to the Music." Does it make sense now, children?

One of my friends (who shall remain nameless) used to have an issue with self harm. This one was for her. 
You're Beautiful, So Stop Hiding.

Only See What You Want to See.

This one below is one of my favorites, incase you were wondering...
Take Time for Yourself

Yes. I have incredibly curly hair. It's annoying. But I like it... when it doesn't look like a stupid afro.
Colorful Thoughts.